The Best Thing in Life is being Rescued.
If you own a pet you may have seen this saying before; the best things in life are rescued. We rescued two dogs 10 years ago and they have been the best companions. This made me think not about my pets but about me and you. The best thing in life is to be rescued. Who rescues us? Our God does!
The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble; I will rescue and honor them.” Psalm 91:14-15 NLT
Rescue means to save, deliver, recover and to rid. It is “deliverance from people or forces that are overwhelming. It implies a liberator (our God) with strength and wisdom to ensure true freedom.”
I recall three very distinct instances that God rescued me. There really are too many to count, but in these three I can look back and see the hand of God delivering, recovering, and ridding of the enemy. What I thought was rejection was simply God rescuing me. What I thought was sure death, God was saving me. In the place I found myself without hope, God was delivering me.
God rescues us from our sins, our enemies, hell, oppression, doubts, worries, and fears. He is the only one who can. In the bible we read how God rescued the Israelites time after time. We also see that even their enemies recognized God’s rescue. “And the fear of God came on all the kingdoms of the countries when they heard the Lord had fought against the enemies of Israel.” 2 Chronicles 20:29 ESV We read about God delivering Joseph, Daniel, Peter, and Paul and many others. His Word is a rescue story.
Psalm 91:14 God himself speaks which gives us, as believers, confidence that he will do as he promised. No danger mentioned in this Psalm is beyond God’s capability to save. We are not immune to harm so we cling to the One who can deliver us. He rescues us because of his deep affectionate love for us and our love for Him. I love all the promises in these two verses: rescue, protection, answering us, being with us, and honoring us.
What has God rescued you from? I would love to hear your story.